5 Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation

Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation

Regular exercise is an essential aspect of Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation, a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. Exercise has been shown to help individuals maintain balance, mobility, and the ability to perform daily tasks. It can ease Parkinson’s symptoms and may even slow down the disease’s progression.

Regular physical exercise has several benefits for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, including:

  • Building and maintaining muscle strength and endurance
  • Improving coordination and gait disturbances
  • Increasing flexibility and range of motion
  • Improving cardiovascular fitness
  • Boosting the effectiveness of medication
  • Improving cognitive function
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Preventing constipation
  • Improving the quality of sleep.

If you are looking for some of the best Parkinson’s disease exercises, there are several options available, including strength and mobility exercises, as well as brain-boosting activities. These exercises can be done at home but is essential to consult with your doctor or a physical therapist before beginning any new exercise regimen.

Types of exercises for Parkinson’s disease

When it comes to physical therapy for Parkinson’s disease, safety is key, but it’s also important to find activities that are enjoyable and challenging. Depending on individual preferences and symptoms, different exercises can target different motor or cognitive skills. However, an effective exercise program should include a mix of aerobic exercise, strength training, balance exercises, and flexibility training. The recommended amount of exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, according to recent studies.

1. Aerobic Exercise:

Aerobic exercise, also known as “cardio,” involves rhythmic movements that increase heart rate over time. It can benefit motor function and overall fitness, with moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise being particularly beneficial for Parkinson’s patients. A study found that 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week had a similar effect to conventional Parkinson’s drugs for those with mild symptoms.

Types of aerobic exercises include:

  • Walking, jogging, or running 
  • Swimming or water aerobics
  • Cycling or stationary biking
  • Rowing

2. Strength Training Exercises: 

Strengthening exercises for Parkinson’s disease typically involves working on one muscle group at a time, with a focus on building muscle mass to perform daily activities more easily. It is recommended to perform 10-15 repetitions in 1-3 sets for each muscle group and alternate the focus areas each day to give the muscles time to rest and repair. It is suggested to work on each muscle group 2-3 times per week, with alternate days to avoid working the same muscle group multiple days in a row.

Strength training exercises include:

  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep dips, kickbacks, or extensions
  • Standard or assisted pull-ups
  • Squats or repeated stand-ups from a seated position on a chair
  • Leg presses
Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation

3. Balance Exercises: 

Maintaining balance is crucial to prevent falls and reduce the risk of injuries. In addition to strength training, mobility, and balance exercises for Parkinson’s disease can improve stability and reduce the risk of falling. Working with a physical therapist is highly recommended to determine which balance exercises are suitable for individual needs. A physical therapist can help to strengthen the ankles and improve the body’s ability to avoid falls.

Exercises addressing balance include:

  • Tai Chi
  • Yoga
  • Dance classes
  • Pilates
  • Boxing

4. Coordination Exercises: 

Agility and speed Parkinson’s disease exercise program help maintain and improve motor skills in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. These exercises can include activities such as quick stepping, jumping, and rapid changes in direction. They can also involve exercises that require hand-eye coordination and dexterity, such as playing catch or juggling. It’s important to work with a physical therapist to determine the appropriate level of challenge for your abilities and to ensure safety while performing these exercises.

Coordination exercises and activities include:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Dancing
  • No-contact boxing or other martial arts

5. Cognitive related Exercises:

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that affects movement and can also impact cognition. As the disease progresses, individuals may experience a range of symptoms that affect their ability to perform daily activities, including tremors, stiffness, balance problems, and difficulty with coordination and movement. In addition to these physical symptoms, some people with Parkinson’s disease may also experience cognitive changes, such as memory problems, difficulty with decision-making, and problems with attention and focus.

Brain-boosting exercises include:

  • Meditation
  • Music therapy
  • Doing math in your head
  • Playing puzzles, board games, and word games
  • Reading aloud


Regular exercise can be an effective way to manage Parkinson’s disease symptoms and maintain physical and cognitive function. Aerobic exercise, strength training, balance exercises, and agility training are all beneficial for improving motor skills, preventing falls, and slowing the progression of the disease. It is important to work with a physical therapist to design Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation program that is tailored to your specific needs and abilities. By incorporating exercise into your Parkinson’s disease management plan, you can improve your overall health and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can exercise help Parkinson’s disease?

Yes, exercise can help Parkinson’s disease by improving balance, mobility, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, cognitive function, and the effectiveness of medication.

2. Can exercise slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease?

Studies suggest that exercise may slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Regular exercise can help maintain balance, mobility, and daily activities, potentially reducing the symptoms of the disease.

3. Is yoga good for Parkinson’s disease patients?

Yes, yoga can be a beneficial form of exercise for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. It can improve balance, flexibility, and overall physical and mental well-being. However, it’s important to work with a trained instructor who has experience working with Parkinson’s patients.

4. Can physical therapy help with Parkinson’s disease?

Yes, physical therapy can be beneficial for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Physical therapy can help with improving strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and mobility, which can all help to manage symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and improve the overall quality of life.

Anshu Pal

Passionate and dedicated physiotherapist, with a proven track record of providing exceptional care. Skilled in creating personalized treatment plans to address musculoskeletal injuries and optimize physical performance. Experienced in working with diverse populations, from professional athletes to individuals seeking post-operative rehabilitation.

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